Short Poetries 112 – It’s My First This Year


Waking up with hangover after a heavy party last night

No problem, it’s my first this year.

Eating a lot during breakfast although a balanced diet was on the plan

It’s okay, it’s my first this year.

Going late to the office due to traffic and laziness

I’m good, it’s my first this year.

Being nagged by my boss for not doing enough work on my every day job

I’m alright, it’s my first this year.

Skipping a lunch break because of too much workload

I’m cool, it’s my first this year.

Going home, exhausted and hungry after the day’s work

I’m still great, it’s my first this year.

There’s no room for complaints at this moment

My life sucks even before the New Year started.

It’s up to me on how to turn it the other way around

But if I stick to what I already am, it’s my first this year.

Real Post 142 – The APEC Effect


The meeting was adjourned and the event came to an end. Everyone is returning to their own homes with promises made, contracts sealed and partnerships created; all are looking forward to a brighter and more flourish economy. The deal has been done and everybody seems to be happy about it. Well, almost everybody. 

What pulled my interest is the way people react into it, which made me curious as to what is APEC and why a meeting is being set?

APEC – It stands for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, an organization mutually created between countries within Asia and the Pacific region in order to boost each other’s economy while making sure personal assets are being protected. In other words, a business meeting of a very big corporation. Who wouldn’t like that? Well, the answer is obvious, many people. 

Personally, I imagined the APEC 2015 summit to be tv show about government conspiracies where leaders are actors delivering bad-ass dialogues and somebody get kicked out it the end. How cool would that be? Of course, it is just my wild imagination talking as I hoped nothing bad will happen to them and it seemed to be they’re all okay. It’s just a thought, you know. 

Now, why the hate people? Why the rants are all over the place before, during and after the APEC Summit? I must admit, there were some shortcomings and mishaps from the government actions in choosing the easy rather than the right way out, but I am more disappointed on how we behaved and reacted into it. It felt like our Filipino Pride has been overused and abused. 

Let’s talk about the traffic it created this week, we sent hates everywhere about us being disrupted from our normal routine. The problem with traffic is already in there long before APEC happened and we’ve been dealing it ever since. Blaming the event that you’ve been late for work, school or wherever you will be going sounds bitter and pathetic. The announcement has been made in advance, you could have planned ahead and think or look for contingencies. 

Then there were some who don’t want the APEC Summit. I am not certain as to why they wanted to cut it out of the equation. I mean, it is for the growth of our economy. Do they think we can survive solely based on our own resources? Heck, we even fool our own people just to make fast money for our own selfish interests. We are blocking changes and opportunities, yet we are complaining if no changes are being made. It’s like shutting down both ends of a tunnel and waiting for something to come out from one of it – impossible, ridiculous and childish. If we are expecting for a harvest, we must learn first how to plant the seeds. 

Our heroes have sworn to protect this country and even died for it, but now for what? They certainly did not waste their lives so that their children will witness how we fall and crumble down since everyone wanted to be on the top no matter what or who suffers on the way. It’s the crab mentality, people, that is slowy pinching us alive. 

So back to my original question, why are we so ungrateful for this APEC Summit? We do know that they came to the Philippines not to give donations or support like we are experiencing for this past decades, right? They are here to conduct a business meeting for the benefit of all parties concerned and not to sympathize because a horrible disaster happened to us. This is not a relief and rescue mission to a third world country so let’s just stop playing the victims here like we always do, and be a responsible and accountable part of this organization, even just for once. You’ve already done your best part for telling them that they are unwelcome to the Philippines so just cut it out, thank you very much. It’s sickening me. 

I would like to end this post with this message: If we really want to see real change, we should learn to wait and be patient. It does not happen overnight. They maybe leaders but they are also politicians so we should know the delays are inevitable. I also hate politics and wanted to rant about how lazy they are working towards progress but blustering every time a change is being made does not do any good at all. History will just repeat itself if we did not stop doing that. Let’s learn how to be open-minded and weigh the advantages vs the disadvantages of the decisions they are making for a common good and not just because one step they take will make us a minute late, before bursting into flames of anger and total disappointment. We have minds that are being used for thinking and making crucial decisions, they are not just there for display and certainly not for emotional response. In other words, let’s think and rethink the thoughts we just made before we click. Surely we know how to do that. Afterall, common sense are still common nowadays, are they not?