Real Post 125 – Brothers In The City


I am fond of posting articles about my own perspective towards life, mostly, it has a lot of negativity in it. This time, it is completely different. I always feel happy but it’s seldom that I feel content, and yesterday was one of those days.

My youngest brother, R-Jay, is here in Manila for a summer vacation. This is his first time being in a big city and he is excited about it. He is planning to stay for just 2 weeks so we need to make the most of our time. After all, we only see each other every 2 years whenever I go home for a vacation.

My younger brother, Ram, is also here for almost a year now and is currently working in one of the banks here in the Philippines. We accompanied our youngest sibling in touring the wonders of the city. Well, it’s the shopping malls, obviously; and we had a blast!

We first decided to watched The Avengers: Age of Ultron in the theaters. It was also R-Jay’s first time watching on a big screen so we asked him how was it. “It was a good experience.”, he said. “But I felt sleepy back there.” Well, I guess it could be the cold theater or he is not just into watching movies.

Thereafter, we decided to play car racing on a video game store. Don’t just me. We do not have this luxury when we were young.

After a while, we look for a place to eat. Now, this is what we are talking about. One thing that we could all agreed upon – eating. We had 1 whole roasted chicken, 2 platters of rice, 4 side dishes, a pitcher of iced tea and a pitcher of cold water. Nope. We were not that hungry, we were just starving!

Before and after a bountiful meal we shared. Definitely not hungry.

On that moment, a memory from when I was young hit my mind. It was a gentle reminder from our father. I cannot easily forget it cause he kept on saying it in our dinner table every night, sometimes when he was drunk. “When you are older, please do not forget to look back at your younger brothers. Take care of each other in the best way you can. It’s not your fault if they will defy your suggestions and suffer; but if possible, whatever you eat should be the same as what they are eating. Let it be a bountiful meal or just a piece of bread.  As long as you are eating altogether.”

I felt great during that time. I sense a feeling of happiness and contentment to these simple pleasures of life. It’s not just that we are eating an amazing meal, but the fact that we are eating it altogether and laughing our hearts out, made it a special one; and that what awesome!

On our way back home, I asked my brother how’s Manila compared to our province. “Galung.”, he responded in one word which means noisy and not suitable for someone who lives a peaceful life. I could not disagree with his opinion. After all, there is no place like home.

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