Real Post 151 – Hi, It’s Me Again. How Are YOU?


It’s been a wild ride these past couple of years. Few things in the bucket list have been checked – experiences I enjoyed so much that I want to do it again, and some that clearly needs to happen once in a lifetime.

One certain thing I regret though, was not letting you know about how I’ve been. But rest assured, I’ve cherished every moment – the triumphs and failures, happiness and sadness, lives and deaths that came passed me. All the learnings and opportunities that came knocking – the yes’ and no’s of life.

And so, am here again.

I’m turning 30 by the way. Not for another 6 months or so, but just want to let you know, coz it’s important to what am about to tell you.

First, am building a house of my dreams!

Well, not me personally, but my Popsi and Momsi are the ones overseeing the construction in the province while am here in Manila. But still, this is one important milestone for me. Am not here to boast about it, maybe a bit, however you need to understand it’s almost a decade in the making in my mind. Before I went here in the city to work, I set a goal – get my own room by the age of 30.

Second, my Momsi said it’s okay to be gay!

I’ve been going back and forth for the past year in the province, and everytime her and I had a conversation, a grand child is being slipped into. Of course I’d say no coz it’s gonna be difficult for me to give her an apo knowing that am not into women who can get pregnant, unless she also considers my plan of adopting a kid in the future. She’d always say, “It’s okay. Just do you, but am still hopeful for you to have a baby. You are just 30.”

Third, my Popsi and Momsi, as always, supports me!

There are times in our lives that we think coz we are already adult, we do things our way and make decisions alone. I recently realized, no matter where you are in life, seeking for advise from your friend, family or loved ones is never a bad move. As a matter of fact, it can save you from your impending doom. Just to give you a clearer scenario, the decision I made so hastily was gonna be my burden for years, which likely gonna make me crazy or land in jail. Not to mention can create altercations between our friends and family. It was a huge relief for me to backtrack that decision. I did not expect that I would cry in front of my parents at this age, but it turned out to be a beautiful relevation – my folks will always be there to provide me guidance, for as long as they live. All I need to do is ask for it. As I wiped the tears in my eyes that day, my Popsi did say, “Travel as far as you can go. Do the things that your heart wish. Live your life, for you only have one.” Then he walked away, while cleaning the fog that formed in his eyeglasses with his shirt. “You are only 30.”

So you see, it’s been a wild ride for me. I realized 3 important things just recently…

1. It’s never too early nor too late to set a goal. Keep it present, even just in your mind. Then make it happen.

2. Give more credit than you think they deserve for the people who truly loves you. Communicate with them, for there’s no clearer way to receive an answer other than by asking for it.

3. Life does not stop giving you lessons when you feel like you know how the world works. For mistakes can easily be made whether you are 6 or 60. And there is nothing wrong if you wanted to cry in front of people if you are feeling down, whether you are 3 or 30. You never know, they might be the one to cheer you up, or change your future.

Now that you know what I’ve been going through, how about you?

How are you doing?

Real Post 137 – Getting High, Above the Clouds


Today was a good day.

It was a great time considering it’s my first time.

As a part of my “chillax” plans during my rest days, which is doing things I’ve never done before (legally and morally accepted things just to be clear 🙂 ), I decided to watch a one-time screening of my favorite director’s movie, Above the Clouds in CCP Complex together with my friend Mimi. It starred Pepe Smith and Ruru Madrid and it was directed by none other than my idol Mr. Pepe Diokno (a round of applause for him everyone!).

I already expected it to be awesome, considering the director’s caliber in delivering realistic movies and his talented casts and crew. I just never thought that it will move me from within and every scene it shows will stop you from focusing on things except the screen. The story line was really simple and plain, but it was plain enough to make you realize how real the plot is and how we can all relate in real life.

Just a rough overview of the story, it tells the journey of a young man who became orphan and was forced to live with his only relative, his estranged grandfather. It focuses on how these two people managed to find a special connection and to be a family as they hike their ways to the high mountains of the Cordillera region.

I got motivated to create a commentary/testimony of this movie due to the fact that the plot is so simple but they were able to dissect it detail by detail then give each of it a fair justice while making sure that every scene will keep us on the edge of our seats and not bore us to death.

This is the type of film that has been missing for a very long time in cinemas and other popular big screen events. There is comedy, horror and drama which are packed into one. I would like to commend Pepe Smith for handling his role very well, just minus a lot of swearing 🙂 and Ruru Madrid for playing his character in an outstanding manner.

One thing I would like to raise though, I am not sure if it is just props in this movie (I really hope so) but if this is real, then Sagada and Mt. Pulag (correct me if I am wrong with these places) are in serious danger to becoming polluted by the toxic wastes we are bringing from below. Really you guys, is it a big burden for us to bring our garbage back and throw it properly instead of leaving them anywhere in the mountains? The solution for this one is self-explanatory and I believe everyone who risks their lives climbing these mountains knows the risks in polluting them.

On the lighter side of the story, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Pepe Diokno for giving us a quality movie (this should not be an indie movie to be honest) and the worth of our money, and not robbing us of it. I salute you Sir! 🙂

I would like to end this post with this picture I got from #Cinemalaya2015 earlier. What can I say, I am a big fan.

With Mr. Pepe Diokno at the one-time screening of Above the Clouds, an entry for Cinemaya 2015 in CCP Complex on August 8, 2015. #DirekIdol

***Heading  photo grabbed from Above the Clouds Facebook page.