Real Post 151 – Hi, It’s Me Again. How Are YOU?


It’s been a wild ride these past couple of years. Few things in the bucket list have been checked – experiences I enjoyed so much that I want to do it again, and some that clearly needs to happen once in a lifetime.

One certain thing I regret though, was not letting you know about how I’ve been. But rest assured, I’ve cherished every moment – the triumphs and failures, happiness and sadness, lives and deaths that came passed me. All the learnings and opportunities that came knocking – the yes’ and no’s of life.

And so, am here again.

I’m turning 30 by the way. Not for another 6 months or so, but just want to let you know, coz it’s important to what am about to tell you.

First, am building a house of my dreams!

Well, not me personally, but my Popsi and Momsi are the ones overseeing the construction in the province while am here in Manila. But still, this is one important milestone for me. Am not here to boast about it, maybe a bit, however you need to understand it’s almost a decade in the making in my mind. Before I went here in the city to work, I set a goal – get my own room by the age of 30.

Second, my Momsi said it’s okay to be gay!

I’ve been going back and forth for the past year in the province, and everytime her and I had a conversation, a grand child is being slipped into. Of course I’d say no coz it’s gonna be difficult for me to give her an apo knowing that am not into women who can get pregnant, unless she also considers my plan of adopting a kid in the future. She’d always say, “It’s okay. Just do you, but am still hopeful for you to have a baby. You are just 30.”

Third, my Popsi and Momsi, as always, supports me!

There are times in our lives that we think coz we are already adult, we do things our way and make decisions alone. I recently realized, no matter where you are in life, seeking for advise from your friend, family or loved ones is never a bad move. As a matter of fact, it can save you from your impending doom. Just to give you a clearer scenario, the decision I made so hastily was gonna be my burden for years, which likely gonna make me crazy or land in jail. Not to mention can create altercations between our friends and family. It was a huge relief for me to backtrack that decision. I did not expect that I would cry in front of my parents at this age, but it turned out to be a beautiful relevation – my folks will always be there to provide me guidance, for as long as they live. All I need to do is ask for it. As I wiped the tears in my eyes that day, my Popsi did say, “Travel as far as you can go. Do the things that your heart wish. Live your life, for you only have one.” Then he walked away, while cleaning the fog that formed in his eyeglasses with his shirt. “You are only 30.”

So you see, it’s been a wild ride for me. I realized 3 important things just recently…

1. It’s never too early nor too late to set a goal. Keep it present, even just in your mind. Then make it happen.

2. Give more credit than you think they deserve for the people who truly loves you. Communicate with them, for there’s no clearer way to receive an answer other than by asking for it.

3. Life does not stop giving you lessons when you feel like you know how the world works. For mistakes can easily be made whether you are 6 or 60. And there is nothing wrong if you wanted to cry in front of people if you are feeling down, whether you are 3 or 30. You never know, they might be the one to cheer you up, or change your future.

Now that you know what I’ve been going through, how about you?

How are you doing?

Real Post 138 – Before I Die


When I was in the hospital admitted for surgery, I thought a lot of things. How long will I be staying there? I got a job, what will happen to me when I get back? Can I still do the things I did before when I was ‘healthy’? Then I realize a couple. What if I did not make it, who will miss me? If I leave this world, whose gonna take care of my family?

I know I am thinking too much. You can say that I am a pessimist, which is true most of the time. I know there are people that got worse problems and are experiencing more pain that I can possibly feel. I think of it as well. As a matter of fact, that is my ‘sour grapes.’ That is my way of convincing myself that I am gonna be fine. 

Of course I am counting on it. I believe that I am gonna surpass all this challenges life has brought me. And I did not question God why this has happened to me because that would be wrong. He does not give us problems we cannot solve or difficult situations we cannot overcome. And if in case we find ourselves on a brink of losing hope, He gives us inspiration not to. If we just believe in Him. 

Now, back to my story. What if I did not make it?  

Well, at first I started to think of people who will miss me? Eventually, I thought of my friends and family. I am certain my family will mourn me to my grave and think of me once in a while. As for my friends, I don’t think I got a lot. I am not a people-person and that should explain it. I am not talking about the people that we meet online because we all know they are not real, not literally at least. I am pertaining to those we know in real life. I thank them for being there when I needed them. For being there  in my best and not leaving me in my worst. These kind of people are worth holding on to and sure as hell will miss me if I die. 

Second and the most important, at least for me is whose gonna take care of my family? They’re all I’ve got and as of the moment, it’s only me they have in order to survive. I got a lot of dreams for myself when I was young but as I become aware of how the world revolves, I realize that I cannot be a man for myself all the time. That’s not how life works. Sooner or later, you’ll gonna need someone to hold on to. Nobody can live alone forever, even if you are filthy rich and successful or just a stranger I met on the street. We all need each other to face and defeat the obstacles that life brings us everyday. And this is the thing that I am working on for the sake of my family. I stop living life for my own entertainment for a while now cause I realized that we need to live our lives for a reason, for a greater good and for the good of those people we love. And if we pass this phase, then we need to continue our journey, for the sake of others. 

If we cannot make this happen, if I cannot do it, then what is the point of living this life? I do not want to die thinking I just lived for myself. That’s a major waste of life. It’s not living your life to the fullest, it’s called living and dying and nothing in between. I do not want to be like that.

We only got one life in this world. Let’s make sure it’s worth it. 

Real Post 135 – The GIFTS : A Testimony


I just finished reading a novel by Jim Stovall with a title “The Ultimate Gift.” It is a story of a young man named Jason who has passed all the tests by proving himself worthy of the 12 gifts his great-uncle Red Stevens offered him in order to inherit $1 billion. This has also been made into a movie starring Drew Fuller and Abigail Breslin which is by the way, awesome!

I had a life-changing experience reading this book and it made me realize, analyse and internalize the things and decisions I made in the past and will be making in the future. I was left teary-eyed and with a question in mind, can this be possible in real life? Is there someone out there willing to take the tests and determined to pass them without monetary compensation?

What I wanted to share to you are the series of gifts that came from this book and how it changes my perspective towards life.

  1. The Gift of Work – “He who loves work never labors.”

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This is the first among the 12 gifts and I think I am already failing it. I got a job that I can say with all modesty, a better one, yet, I am not satisfied. I complained about it every day and it makes me tired and exhausted. It is a daily routine that almost feels like a robotic chore, yet, I haven’t noticed or decided to ignore that there are other people around me who risks their lives on the streets, on the top of the buildings, out in the wilderness, alone at night and in the middle of the war just to make sure that their families will have something to eat and a place to live. They sacrifices comfort and safety just to ensure their loved ones will have a better future. For that, I thank God for giving me a wonderful and nice job.

  1. The Gift of Money – “Money is nothing more than a tool. It can be a force for good, a force for evil, or simply be idle.”

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Surely, being financially stable and abundant is a privilege but it doesn’t complete a person’s life, for real happiness can be measured on how contented you are on the simple pleasures this world is offering, free of charge.

For starters, I am a person who counts his money before spending it. I have a budget allocation as to where my salary would go every month yet for some reason; I get short before the next pay check arrives. I am doing something about it now but that is another story. My point here is that I think what I earn is always not enough. I failure to see that everyone else around me struggle more than I do. Their salaries are lesser that what I get and they have a lot of mouths to feed and bills to pay, yet somehow, we all survive at the same time. Their worries are more than mine yet they manage to be happy. For that, I thank God for giving me an ample amount of money that is big enough if I only know how to spend wisely.

  1. The Gift of Friends – “It is a wealthy person, indeed, who calculate riches not in gold but in friends.

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This has always been my struggle. How to identify a real friend from a fake one? But I understand now that I am asking a wrong question. It should be, ‘how can I be a true friend to someone?’

I’ve got trust issues ever since I was young and I think that’s what shapes my anti-social life and hinders my capability to get along with others. I have a very low self-esteem that is why I always try to impress everyone I know up to the point of lying to them as I am afraid I will lose them. I did not realize that by doing that, I stop them from knowing me completely and gaining their trusts, which in return, holding back my trust to them. For that, I thank God for all my friends who know me inside and out. During my ups and downs, decided to stay beside me. It will come a time; I will repay you with kindness that you’ve shown me through all these years.

  1. The Gift of Learning – “Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel.

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I must admit, I am lucky that I have attended college even for a short period of time. It was my passes on getting a great job. But I do not consider myself as a well-educated man. Not that I still need to go to one of the prestigious universities in the country and earn a degree then put initials at the end of my name. I will say, I’ve got the basics covered from the four corners of a classroom. All I need to do is continue my learning from the people who I encountered every day. It is a never-ending journey indeed, and there is no finish line. For that, I thank God for the things I’ve learnt in life and will be learning as I continue wandering through life.

  1. The Gift of Problems – “Problems can only be avoided by exercising a good judgment. Good judgment can only be gained by experiencing life’s problems.

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First, I would like to share this passage from the book: “When we can learn from our own problems, we begin to deal with life. When we can learn from other people’s problems, we begin to master life.”

This is the gift that I appreciate the most. I even cry in between reading this part. The reason? I can relate to Jason at this point as I did learn so much on my problems.  It made me realize that I am not the only one who has problems in this world. All of us are battling our own wars every day, trying to win in order to survive. It made me think what will happen to the world if nobody will show light to the world even by just smiling in front of challenges. The world will be dull and gloomy without a shadow of light. For that, I thank God for giving me problems as it makes me a stronger and better person.

  1. The Gift of Family – “Some people are born into wonderful families. Others have to find or create them. Being a member of a family is a privilege which costs nothing but love.

I can tell with honesty and proud that I love my family. They are my strength and my weakness. With them, I can be full-proof or vulnerable. They are my scepter and crown that makes me a king, and my sword and shield that makes me a warrior. They are my blood. For that, I thank God for my wonderful family. I hope to create a family of my own someday, whether by blood or loyalty.

  1. The Gift of Laughter – “Laughter is good medicine for the soul. Our world is desperately in need of such medicine.

At first, I thought it doesn’t make sense adding laughter as one of the gifts to live a wonderful life, but as I read this part, it made me realize how vital laughter’s part is. Without it, this world will be dull and meaningless. Truly, laughter brings relief to an aching soul and joy to a sorrowful heart. It gives color to everything around us. With laughter in our lives, a rocky road will feel like a smooth feather. For that, I thank God for bringing laughter into this world. I am very lucky to live in this life.

  1. The Gift of Dreams – “Faith is all that dreamers need to see into the future.

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As a writer, this one is my favorite. This serves as a fuel in making the rest of the gifts possible to achieve.  This is by far, the reason why we continue to exist. We are still striving to survive and not thinking of giving up because we dream. Dreams are not only for the younger ones, as you go through life; you need to hold on to your dreams. The farther you travel, the closer you are in realizing your dreams and making them a reality. For that, I thank God for giving us the capability to dream. It’s what drives our passion. It is a trigger and our motivation to succeed. Most of all, it erases doubts and that imaginary word called impossible.

  1. The Gift of Giving – “The only way you can truly get more out of life for yourself is to give part of yourself away.

The more you give, the more you receive. This maxim is true in any way, yet why is it so hard for us to comply. The greatest irony the world has created is that the more we receive in this life, the harder it is for us to give away. I am not talking about money or anything that it can buy, but other things that we can offer. Be it a time to spend with somebody, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to, an arm to lean on or a hand to hold on to. Even I, is guilty for not sharing this gift. For that, I thank God for giving us the will to give. I will find a way to hand this over to anyone who needs it. For it truly makes the world a better place to live.

  1. The Gift of Gratitude – “In those times when we yearn to have more in our lives, we should dwell on the things we already have. In doing so, we will often find that our lives are already full to overflowing.

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I will take this opportunity to apologize for not realizing that every day I open my eyes after a long night of sleep, I am receiving God’s gift. It’s a shame I always forget thanking him for that. Even as I sleep, His gift continuously grows within me as I breathe. Instead of giving him praise, all I do is complain. I did not see the roof above my head because of the leaks when it rains. I did not know how delicious the food in our table is because it is always the same every day. I did not feel that my feet is resting rather than walking for a long mile because of the heavy traffic on my way to work. Opps! I did not notice that others are unemployed because I was tired and exhausted from doing a routine job. The list is long and for that I am shameful.

This is perhaps, the most wonderful gift of all, the gift of thanks. For that, I thank God for giving us the capacity to appreciate what we have and be grateful for it. Thank you, God.

  1. The Gift of a Day – “Life at its essence boils down to one day at a time. Today is the day!

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If today will be my last day on earth, will I choose it to be different from the rest of the days that I lived so that it will be perfect? My answer is yes and no. Yes because I have a perfect day every day and no because I will not choose my last day to be different. I wanted it to be the same from yesterday and the day before. My definition of a perfect day is waking up with the people you love and loves you, eating breakfast with them before leaving to work. Working with the people you respect and respect you then ending your day with them. Going home to the people you love and love you, eating dinner with them then sleeping with them again. If I wake up, it’s another perfect day. If not, I will not have any regrets of spending my last day with them, because that day was perfect. For that, I thank God for giving us a perfect day every day. A day full of problems and resolutions. A day full of sadness and happiness. A day full failures and success.

  1. The Gift of Love – “Love is a treasure for which we can never pay. The only way to keep it is to give it away.

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If the gift of dreams is my bow and the gift of gratitude is my target, then the gift of love is my arrow. The rest of the gifts will not be possible without this one, for this is the key. Gifts are there to share. And we share these gifts to someone because we love them. Truly, sharing is giving, and giving is loving. For that, I thank God for creating and giving us His love, so that we can share it to everyone. A world full of love is a world worth living.

Now that all has been said, it’s only fair to put it into practice, and then that practice can turn into a habit. I am willing to take this challenge and I am determined to pass the tests. This is my goal in life now; I thank God for creating these gifts.

One more thing, I am passing the book to my lovely friend, Mimi, in a hope that she will also found the same perspective I find after reading it. May she enjoy the journey as she turns one page to another. My only wish is for her to pass the book to her friend and so on, until the world will know how lucky we are in living this wonderful life, possessing these gifts to cherish and share.

Short Poetries 106 – My Happy Place


If you are tired and exhausted

Feeling like everything is a pain on your back,

What would you do?

If your life is full of sadness

And the rest of the world has turned into madness,

Where would you go?

I know a place that is filled with joy,

A setting where everybody is at peace with each other.

It’s not a land far far away, but it’s exactly where you are right now,

May that be a castle or a dark place in a dungeon;

What matters most is that God is in the center,

May that be inside your heart or on your prayers.

Real Post 132 – The Journey to MV Logos Hope


It started as a goal, then it became a plan. After a few cancellations, it was a dream come true.

I heard of this ship sailing around the world and is selling books a few years back, and I said to myself, it’s an amazing idea! Imagine a ship that carries books instead of people, extraordinary! I wondered when they will come back in the Philippines again. But I wondered no longer when I heard a news last month that MV Logos Hope was docking in Cebu and will be in Subic, Zambales for another stop. Of course, I did not have a second thought of planning to visit them; and it was worth it.

Together with my friend and colleague, Alover, we headed to Olongapo at 4 in a Friday morning. It’s my restday but I begged our supervisor to let Alover take a day off so that I will have someone to go there. Good thing it has been approved. We reached Zambales at around 7 in the morning. Since the ship opens at 10, we decided to get a quick tour of the city. We had a nice and tasteful breakfast at a Korean Bakeshop named Shining Star Bakery then headed to St. Joseph Church for a short thanks.

At around 9, we went our way to Subic Bay Freeport Zone. It was raining yet the sun was gleaming. The result? We were soaking in sweat while trying not to get wet by the rain. It was messy equals us situation. Since it’s both our first time being on that place, we decided to walk. Technically, it was a wrong move, but fortunately, it has been paid up by the amazing things we found inside the ship.

The entrance to the Book Fair inside the ship.

The Interior of the Ship (photo grabbed from

We were able to get in at 10AM and started exploring the bookstore inside. Man, its a lot of books! From the children’s bedtime stories to classic novels, its all in there. They even have activity books about The Chronicles of Narnia, which made me ask my infamous question of whether they also have ones about Harry Potter. Am a fan and I cannot help it. Of course, they do not have it since they are more into religious books. They also have bibles in different versions, written in different languages. Me and my friend were amazed.

The Novel Section of the Book Fair.

Another section for kids and kids-at-heart.

There are hundreds of crews and volunteers inside MV Logos Hope and they all came from different parts of the world. We were lucky to have a chat with one of them. If my memory serves me right, her name is Veronica Ruiz. She is a Mexican and is volunteering for a year and three months now. She is a cheerful person and talks to us about how wonderful it is to be a member of the team inside MV Logos Hope. She said she is lucky to meet with different people and experience diverse cultures in every country they’ve been into. It was really nice to see people of different nationalities hand in hand for one great and amazing goal, to inform the people around the world that there is God, regardless in which form or religion He presented Himself, and no matter who you are or where you come from, you are welcome to serve the citizens of the planet in the name of the Lord.

The Journey of Life Section: We love this part of the ship as it depicts the story of the Prodigal Son. Nice work!

The ship’s international cafe. The picture above shows a group of students lining up as the Korean attendant serves them their ‘merienda.’ The one below shows another volunteer, an Irish lady I believe, cleaning the floor. What an awesome work they are doing for such a great cause!

In addition, I personally was amazed of seeing people of different cultures working together. An American cashier, a Korean cafe attendant, an Irish lady and German guy fixing tables and chairs, all in one place. It’s a surreal experience. I wished I was also in one of their places. Am sure they are aware of it but if not, I want to tell them how cool and fantastic their works are. I really envy them. 🙂

The map on one of the pictures shows the journey of the ship from all around the world. The second one is a newsstand where they give newsletters, booklets, flyers and other reading materials about the nature of their cause.

They also have a donation box for those who wanted to help this cause. They can also be reached through their online sites at or contact them at (Disclaimer: I was not asked to do this nor I will be getting benefits out of this. Simply doing it cause they are AWESOME!)

Me and my friend, Alover on their photobooth. #PictureTime

Hey there sailor!

We went out of the ship after hours of roaming around. But of course, we left with some souvenirs. I also bought a book about the history of the ship. The title is “The Logos Story” by Elaine Rhoton and I am gonna read it as soon as I finish this article.

And here’s what I’ve got from the trip. A book, a key chain, a lanyard, 2 pens, a sticker, a bowler and a plastic cup. Variety of collectibles. #Amazing

And on that note, I would like to end this post with the message I wrote on the sticky note before we left the ship:

‘The experience is amazing, inspiring and life-changing.’

I wrote it in present tense as I wanted to cherish the moment I’ve been inside the ship of MV Logos Hope. This is truly one way in bringing knowledge, help and hope.